1.1 Is constituted voluntary association "AFRICA Yetu" for brevity hereinafter called "Association".
1.2 - The internal organization of the Association is based on criteria of democracy, of equality of rights and equal opportunities to all members, the associative positions are elective and all members can access.
1.3 - The Association is based in Casoria (Na), Via Ciro Menotti, 9 Italy and has character and operation international and national, it may be secondary offices.
1.4 - The transfer of the headquarters to another municipality, resulting statutory amendment, must be decided by resolution of the Extraordinary. The Board of Directors, with its resolution, may transfer the head office within the same municipality, informing in due time all the members, and establish branches in other towns, or abroad.
1.5 - The duration of the Association is unlimited.
1.6 - The Association shall take as a reference the Legislative Italian Law 11 August 1991, n. 266 and n. 460/ 1997.
2.1 - The association is nonpartisan and is according to the following principles:
- Absence of profit also direct, exclusive pursuit of charitable purposes, democratic structure, devolution to charity all the assets in the event of dissolution or termination of the association, elective, gratuity of association positions, exclusion of temporary members, gratuitousness of the services provided by its members, a sovereign body of members, ban on activities other than institutional except those economic and commercial activities and marginal closely related and / or ancillary as integrative of the same.
- The principle of charity, solidarity and sensitivity to the needs of the neighbor as the first value.
Art. 3 - AIMS 'and ACTIVITY'
3.1 - The Association is non-political, non-partisan, non-profit organization, relies significantly prevalent and personal voluntary unpaid performance of its members and supporters, pursues purposes of social solidarity) in the full respect for the freedom and dignity of the members as specified below:
- Promote a culture of peace and solidarity, through the coordination and activities of the volunteers in the area;
- Promote the affirmation of human rights through initiatives aimed at their effective implementation;
- Implement projects of international solidarity through medical-humanitarian assistance
- Projects of schooling and education
- Promote projects of food-sharing
- Define interventions with humanitarian initiatives in favor of people who suffer poverty and social consequences such as hunger, malnutrition, disease, lack of medical care and education
- Encouraging training initiatives and health information, and preventive health in its various health and social aspects
- Support the development of local microcredit
- Stimulate the development of a market fair trade
- Cooperate on site for the development of projects to promote the dignity of people
3.2 - The Association directly or through agreements or contracts with other organizations or ministries, regions, local authorities, universities, foundations, private organizations, public and private financial institutions will be able to:
- Produce, organize and run events, meetings and exhibitions for cultural purposes also with other associations;
- Promote initiatives in the field of publishing, media, law, cinema, radio, television and the Internet;
- Support and contribute financially to the creation, direct or indirect cultural events, studies, publications, research, conferences, symposia, seminars, conferences and all kinds of popular activities on issues relating to the social aim;
- Plan and organize other events and cultural, artistic and recreational activities related to the purpose of the Association.
3.3 - In order to fulfill the institutional aims and all those instrumental to them and resulting from or connected, the Association may engage in any activity securities, real estate and economic - financial as well as all acts and transactions and deemed necessary and / or appropriate.
3.4 - The Association for the pursuit of its institutional uses mainly of the activities performed on a voluntary, free and free by its members and supporters.
3.5 - In case of special need, the association may hire employees or make use of providers of self-employment or profession, including the use of its members and supporters. .
3.6 - The association, if and when the need may, for the achievement of social goals, enter into agreements or contracts with institutions, companies and organizations both public and private.
4.1 - can be members of individuals, cultural associations and other public and private entities.
4.2 - Those who are not natural persons may be members of the association through their legal representative or a delegate that does not result in an individual member of the association.
4.3 - For individuals refers to men and women, and which share the institutional purposes and aims of the association without any discrimination of sex, age, language, nationality, religion and ideology.
4.4 - The Association is committed to ensuring inside the protection of the inviolable rights of the person, and respect of "equality" between men and women.
4.5 - The Association includes the following categories of members: founding, ordinary, supporting and honorary
4.5.1 - The founding members are those who have participated in the formation of the Association; participate in the meeting with a deliberative vote.
4.5.2 - Ordinary members are all other members who are obliged to pay the annual fee, if it provided by the Board and to the extent set. Ordinary members participate with full right to vote and the Assembly if they comply with this payment. The contribution from associates is non-asset and is approved by the Assembly.
The annual contribution is not transferable, nor revalued; It is not refundable in case of withdrawal, death or loss of membership and must be paid within 30 days before the Meeting called to approve the Financial Statement of the reporting period. The association consists of an unlimited number of ordinary members.
4.5.3 - The supporting members are those who voluntarily join the association by paying its fee fixed by the Board of Directors and are entitled to vote and the Assembly.
4.5.4 - Honorary members appointed unanimously by the Board of Directors are chosen from among persons who have distinguished themselves in the cultural, social, economic, artistic and intellectual and have no right to vote and the Assembly.
4.6 – Is enacted the uniformity of membership to shareholders who enjoy the same rights.
4.7 – Is excluding temporary participation in community life.
4.8- All adult members have the right to vote for the approval or amendment of the statutes and regulations, and the appointment of the executive bodies and the approval of the financial statements and annual reports.
5.1 - The admission of a new member is decided unquestionably by the Governing Council, after submission of application addressed to the Executive Council. The written request must provide all relevant information for the assessment of eligibility by the Governing Council.
5.2 - can be members of the Association (either in person or by proxy of institutions, associations or bodies), all citizens, that:
- At least 18 years of age, enjoy political rights, of good moral and civil,
- Does not have a criminal record,
- Have no pending criminal proceedings,
- They are not banned from holding public office,
- They not have been dismissed from the office for culpable conduct.
5.3 - The application for admission must be made on pre-printed model of the Association that must be completed in its entirety.
5.4 - The quality of member is lost for exclusion, for withdrawal, or for failure to pay the annual fee
5.5 - The exclusion is decided by the Governing Council, to the shareholder that damages materially and morally Association.
5.6 - The withdrawal is allowed to any member at any time.
The rights of members are:
- Participation in voting at general meetings of association, to the exclusion of members who do not comply with the payment of fees; the right to vote of the membership is both active and passive.
- Enjoy the services and benefits arranged by the corporate bodies;
- Express to the Council information regarding the activities of the Association.
Obligations of members are:
- Accept and observe the Statutes, regulations, if adopted, and the resolutions of the corporate bodies;
- Pay membership fees, if required by the Board, and the extraordinary contributions determined by the Association, renouncing, for them, any claim of repetition.
8.1 - The status of member is lost by withdrawal, exclusion or death.
8.2 - The member may at any time withdraw without charges by the association in writing to the Board of Directors. The withdrawal does not permit the repayment of membership fees or other any amounts paid to the association. The resignation becomes effective when the communication is received by the board of directors, but is still held by the associated obligations that may be taken against the association.
8.3 - In the event of behavior which does not comply, that would be prejudicial to the aims or the assets of the Governing Council should intervene and impose the following sanctions: recall, warning, expulsion from the Association.
8.4 - Against the decision of the Executive Council which is causing the exclusion of the associated, is subject to appeal within thirty days of receipt of the notice to the Board of Trustees (if available) or to the shareholders that, after an adversarial procedure, must decide definitively on the subject at the first meeting convened.
8.5 - The exclusion takes effect from the thirtieth day following the notification of the exclusion measure, which must contain the reasons for which it was approved.
Art. 9 - ORGANS
9.1 - The component of bodies of the association are:
• The General Meeting of Members
• The Board of Directors
• The Treasurer
• The President of the Association
9.2 - All the associative positions are elective and free and have a duration of three years, unless the resignation or termination of the mandate by the Board of Directors.
9.3 - To the members who hold positions they associative it possibly the reimbursement of expenses incurred, in the manner and form set by the rules of procedure and fiscal discipline.
10.1 - The Assembly is the highest deliberative body of the association. The assembly of members is the key moment of confrontation, which would ensure the proper management of the Association and is composed of all members.
10.2 - It is chaired by the President convenes, ordinarily, at least once a year and whenever the Board of Directors deems it necessary.
10.3 - The convening of the ordinary can also be requested by at least 1/3 (one third) of the Board or of 1/10 (one tenth) of the members. In this case, the President must provide for the convocation within 30 days of receipt of the request and the Assembly must be held within 20 days.
10.4 - The ordinary general meeting has the following duties:
- Vote on the program and the estimate for the following year;
- Deliberate on the activity report and the income statement (Budget Final) of the previous year;
- Address the issues raised by applicants or proposals by the Board of Directors;
- Elect the members of the Board;
- Elect the members of the Supervisory Board (if applicable);
- Elect the members of the Appeals Board (if any) ;
- Define the general objectives and approve the work programs proposed by the Governing Council;
- To discuss and approve the budget and the final account;
- Ratify the measures of competence of the Assembly adopted by the Governing Council on grounds of urgency;
- Decide on the rules of procedure established for this purpose by the Board of Directors;
- Fix the amount of any membership fee.
10.5 - For the resolutions regarding amendments to the Articles of Association, the dissolution and liquidation the association are required majorities indicated at point 18.
10.6 - The meeting is called at least eight days before the meeting, by means of electronic communication (SMS, email, wathsapp) The notice must contain a statement the agenda, the place, time and date of the meeting.
10.7 - The Assembly can however decide to regulation of other suitable procedures for convening in the case in which the number of members become particularly high and in any case such as to make it difficult
the identification of a suitable location.
10.8 - In first call the Ordinary General Meeting is duly constituted with the presence of half plus one of the members.
10.9 - In the second and subsequent calls is valid whatever the number of associated. The second meeting must take place at least twenty four (24) hours after the first. The resolutions of the ordinary are taken by simple majority of those present.
10.10 - At the opening of each session, the Assembly elects a secretary who will draft the minutes and sign it with the President.
10.11 - Of the shareholders' resolutions must be recorded in the book of the Assemblies of the members. The decisions of the Assembly undertake all members. The resolutions of the Ordinary shall be adopted by a simple majority of those present.
10.12 - The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened for the discussion of the proposals to amend the statutes or the dissolution and liquidation of the association.
10:13 - The extraordinary meeting in first call is valid when there are two thirds of the members entitled to vote and decide with the majority vote of those present.
11.1 - The Board of Directors is elected from members and is composed of a minimum of three to a maximum of five members.
11.2 - The Board is appointed for three years and more specifically until the approval of the financial statements of the third year. The members of the Board may be re-elected, except reports of possible illegal or legal proceedings against them.
11.3 - The Board's resolutions are valid if taken by majority vote of those present, in the event of a tie vote of the President.
11.4 - The Board of Directors is vested with full powers for the ordinary and extraordinary.
11.5 - In its first session elects from among its members by a majority of the votes cast ballot clearly, the President, a Vice-President.
11.6 - The Board of Directors may also distribute among its members other functions in relation to specific needs related to the activities of the Association and, on the recommendation of the President, appointed the Scientific Director (if applicable), and even more of a Honorary President.
11.7 - The Board of Directors is ordinarily convened by the Chairman by notice of convocation containing the date and time of the meeting and the agenda of topics, from send to the Directors at least seven (7) days before the meeting and in extraordinary session when so request at least three (3) directors, or convened by the President.
11.8 - The meetings are valid when there is a majority of its members and the decisions are approved by an absolute majority of votes of those present. Board resolutions must be drawn up special report by the Secretary, who signed with the President. This record shall be kept on record and It is available to members requiring to consult.
11.9 - The Board of Directors has the following tasks:
- Propose to the rules and regulations for the functioning of the association;
- Exercise, as a collegial body, all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration for the achievement of the aims of the Association;
- Formulate programs of social activity on the basis of the guidelines approved by the Assembly;
- Provide all relevant information to the Assembly for forecasting and economic planning of the fiscal year and reporting economic and social activity performed.
- Allow or reject, with the reasoned opinion, membership applications.
- Ratify or modify, in the first meeting following the measures taken by the President on the grounds of necessity and urgency.
- Determine the amount of any annual membership fee.
- Elect the President, the Vice-President and the Honorary President;
- Appoint the Secretary and the Treasurer or Secretary / Treasurer;
- Appoint the Scientific Director (if any), and any committees technical / scientific study, development and implementation of specific initiatives;
- Decide how to participate in the Association activities organized by other associations or institutions.
- Submit to the Assembly, on the expiry of the mandate, a comprehensive report on the activities relating the same.
11.10 - Any replacement of members of the Board of Directors are made by co-optation The replacements during the three years, to be validated by the first Assembly convened after appointment. The members so appointed shall expire with the other components.
12.1 - The President of the Association is elected by the Board of Directors from among its members by a majority vote, hold office for three years and may be re-elected for more than one term. It has the signature and the social and legal representation of the Association towards third parties in court.
12.2 - The President represents the Association and performs all the acts of the Association itself, convenes and presides over the Executive Council, shall keep it orderly proceedings and sign the minutes sessions.
12.3 – It’s allowed to perform collections and accept donations of any kind and for any reason by public administrations, institutions and private, releasing releases and receipts.
12.4 – It’s allowed to enter, with the approval of the Executive Council, agreements or contracts with Public bodies or other associations.
12.5 - In case of necessity and urgency, the President takes measures within the competence of the Council subjecting them to ratification at its next meeting.
12.6 - In case of absence, impediment or cessation of their functions are performed by the Vice President, who calls the Board of Directors for the approval of the relevant resolution.
13.1 - The Honorary President of the Association is elected by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of President, Ad Personam identified among persons who have distinguished themselves in the field cultural, social, economic, artistic or intellectual.
13.2 - The Honorary President shall hold office for three years and may be re-elected for more than one term, unless resignation or dismissal.
13.3 - Its business relations for the Association. No social and legal representation of the Association and may not commit the Association itself.
13.4 - Prior approval of the Board of Directors, may be delegated to enter into specific agreements or contracts with public bodies or other associations.
14.1 - The General Meeting may elect a Board of Trustees consisting of three members and, possibly two alternates, chosen from among non-members. Any replacement of components College, carried out during the three-year period, after the exhaustion of the alternates, must be validated by the first meeting convened after the appointment. The members so appointed shall expire with others components.
14.2 - The Board has the task of examining the disputes among the members, between them and the association or its organs, including the members of the organs and between the agencies themselves; judge on an equitable basis without formal procedures and its ruling is final.
14.3 - The General Meeting may elect a Board of Trustees for consideration and resolution of a particular dispute, limiting the mandate of the Board also temporally.
15.1 - The General Meeting may elect a Board of Auditors consists of three members and, possibly, two alternates, chosen from among non-members and, when the law requires it, among those enrolled in the Register of Auditors.
15.2 - Any replacement of members of the Board during the course of the three years, after the depletion of the alternates, must be validated by the first meeting convened later the appointment. The members so appointed shall expire with the other components.
15.3 - The Board:
- Elects from among its members the President;
- Exercise the powers and functions provided by law for auditors;
- Acting on its own initiative, at the request of one of the bodies or on the recommendation of an associate;
- May participate in meetings of the Board and, if applicable, of the Executive Committee;
- Report annually to the Assembly with a written report and transcribed in the register of the Auditors.
16.1 - The assets of the Association is indivisible and consists of:
- Movable and immovable property of the Association;
- Goods of all kinds purchased by the always destined to the realization of its institutional purposes;
- Contributions, donations and bequests different;
- Reserve fund.
16.2 - The revenue of the Association consist of:
- Income from its assets;
- Inheritance, gifts and bequests;
- Private contributions;
- Contributions from the State, to entities or public institutions also aimed at supporting specific and documented
- Programs implemented as part of its statutory objectives;
- Contributions of the European Union and international bodies;
- Revenue from conventions;
- Annual membership dues and other contributions;
- Proceeds from the supply of goods and services to associates and third parties, including through the development of economic activities of a commercial, craft or agricultural activities in an auxiliary and subsidiary and not aimed at the achievement of institutional objectives;
- Other income compatible with the aims of social associations of social promotion
17.1 - The financial year runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
17.2 - The first financial year begins on the date of incorporation and ends on December 31 of the year.
17.3 - The budget is made up of an economic-financial and must be presented by the Executive Board for approval at the meeting within four months from the end of the year.
17.4 - The Financial Statement must be filed at the Association for the 15 days prior to the meeting so that it can be consulted by any member.
17.5 - And 'forbidden even indirect distribution of proceeds of the activities among the members, as well as operating surpluses, funds or reserves during the life of the association.
17.6 - Any operating surplus will be reinvested and used for institutional activities provided for in this statute.
18.1 - The proposed amendments to the Statute may be submitted to the Assembly by one of the organs of at least 1/10 (one tenth) of the members. Its resolutions are adopted by the presence of at least 3/4 (three quarters) of the members and the majority vote of those present. In the second call, the resolutions are approved by whatever the number of intervened and with the favorable vote of 2/3 (two thirds) of those present.
18.2 - The dissolution of the Association and the devolution of assets are decided by the Assembly convened with specific agendas and with the favorable vote of at least 3/4 (three quarters) of the members.
18.3 - The assets remaining after liquidation shall be donated to other associations with similar purposes or for the purposes of social utility, unless otherwise required by law 662/96 Art. 3, paragraph 190.
18.4 - In any case, the assets of the Association cannot be donated to members, directors and employees thereof.
For matters not covered by these Articles or by the rules of procedure, reference is made to the rules of the Civil Code and other applicable laws, especially the law on voluntary Aug. 11, 1991, and No. 266 of Legislative Decree no. 460 / 1997 and Law 26 February 1987, 49 and their subsequent amendments and additions.
Casoria (Naples) June 6, 2014